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Filed under: Textures  |  Tags: , , ,
Step 1
Open Photoshop. Create new document: File -> New (or Ctrl+N). Fill with brown colour like #9D7A51.
Leather Texture - Step 1

Step 2
Duplicate this layer. Apply Filter -> Texture -> Texturizer. Select ‘Rust Flakes‘ texture (To load the texture click the small arrow to the right of the Texture pop-up menu and select Load Texture. This texture is located inside the Photoshop directory on your hard drive, wherever you happened to install Photoshop. Inside the folder, you’ll find a Presets folder. Inside the Presets folder, you’ll find a Textures folder. Double-click on it to open it, and you’ll see all of the textures that Photoshop installed for us. Click on the texture called ‘Rust Flakes’ to select it, then click on the Load button to load the texture.) and use these settings:
Texturizer Leather Texture - Step 2

Step 3
To further enhance the effect go to Filter -> Render -> Lighting Effects. Use following settings:
Lighting Effects Leather Texture - Step 3

Step 4
Duplicate ‘Background’ layer. Drag it to the top of the layer palette. Set the Blending Mode of this duplicate layer to Overlay.
Leather Texture - Step 4

Applied texture:
Leather Texture - applied texture
Leather Texture - applied texture

29 Responses to “LEATHER Texture”

  1. Biju Subhash says:

    Nice Tutorial… 😀
    Thank You,

    Biju Subhash

  2. Plukie says:

    Thank you very much. I am still a novice at Photoshop and tutorials like this are very helpful.

  3. Thanks for tutorial. I like to work with textures.

  4. Will D.C. says:

    Very cool design. One of the better leather technique I have found.

  5. basim says:

    fantastic tutorial

    i like it.. really


  6. Boz says:

    i dont really like it the texture looks more like painted stucco then leather plus it looks like you read the rock texture tutorial and just changed the filter to rust flakes.

    Dont stop trying but please dont tell me that it leather.

    thank you for you time

  7. shawn says:

    it’s not a leather, it’s a biscuit actually. i suddenly felt hungry looking at that lol

  8. Ash says:

    Oh goodie, thought I was the only one slightly dissapointed with this texture. Not the realistic leather look I wanted.

  9. Muy logrado! muy util para retoque fotografico

  10. KERI says:

    Very nice. Could you please tell me how you did the text? I can’t find a tut on leather tooling. Thanks!

  11. parvindra says:

    when i m going to presets folder to find texture folder. i dont found the texture folder. pls help me.

  12. admin says:

    Unfortunately, a Textures folder does not exist in new versions of Photoshop.

  13. wisal sri lanka says:

    this is nice and simple.. thanks! really learned many things….

  14. TQC says:

    Fantastic! So easy and really fun to alter for slight effects.
    PLEASE do a followup on how to make the text like in your photo!

  15. aakash says:

    would you be able to direct me to where i can download the rusty flakes texture, or be willing to send me a copy? would much appreciate it!

  16. aakash says:

    [there is no textures folder in the mac cs5 presets folder]

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